Clean & Sober Transitional Living

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CSTL Phase One

The First Step

Phase One sober living housing offers a room and board community that is governed “by the peers, for the peers.” Each of the six Phase One houses is overseen by a House Manager who is a senior resident. All residents abide by an agreement to live in an environment of integrity and accountability. When joining the CSTL community in Phase One, residents agree to respecting curfews, to being subject to random and/or targeted drug tests, to attending to 12-Step and Sunday night house meetings, and to living a life of integrity. (Some of the restrictions, including curfews, are lifted in Phase Two as residents strengthen their recovery.) Phase One housing fosters a strong sense of community, and our bedrooms are designed for two or three people (with no bunk beds); we don’t offer single rooms in Phase One. All our Phase One houses are conveniently located on “The Block,” just steps away from the Meeting House where the meals are served and where we host AA, NA, and Big Book meetings daily.
The price for room and board in Phase One includes three nutritious meals a day. Typical breakfast options are a combination of eggs, hash browns, pancakes, French toast, waffles, cereal, and fruit. Bacon and sausage are served on the weekends. Lunches are “build your own” from bread with lunch meat, cheese, tuna fish, peanut butter & jelly, miscellaneous salads, and leftovers from the previous night’s meal. Our dinners are awesome and are always a feast! We have a lot of roasts (pork and beef), chicken, pasta dishes including our Sunday night spaghetti dinners, Mexican nights, and other creative menus suggested by the resident cooks. Every Saturday night the barbeque is fired up for hamburgers or hot dogs. Desserts are provided on most weeknights. Phase One offers the best sober living in Northern California – upscale living on an affordable budget.

Key Benefits of Phase One:

  • Controlled environment that uses accountability for guidance and does not smother progress.
  • Perfect for people who want to work or go to school.
  • All furnishings provided. Nothing to bring except your personal belongings.
  • Free laundry machines, including laundry detergent and supplies.
  • All normal toiletries if needed – toothbrushes and toothpaste, shaving cream and razors, soap, body wash, shampoo, deodorant, feminine products for ladies, etc.
  • 12-Step meetings in one of our two meeting rooms. There are more than a dozen a week on The Block that include AA, NA, and book studies.
  • Peer support that is built into our daily routines and which becomes a way of life.
  • Free Wi-Fi internet access.
  • Recreational facilities such as free weights and a variety of exercise machines, pool table, Play Station, and board games.
  • Cable TVs in all common area living rooms and for all bedrooms outside of the Meeting House.
  • Beautiful, landscaped grounds and designated smoking areas.
  • Close to public transportation.
  • Professional reference letters available.
  • Certified by California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) and considered a “best practice” by the Alcohol Research Group.
  • Affordable sober living in a desirable location.
  • Credit cards accepted.